Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Final project

Here is a series of (fake) letters that I sent for my (not really) movie Fast Times at Richmond High to the MPAA for rating.

Mr. Fritz

The MPAA (Motion Picture Association of America) has reviewed your submission of Fast Times at Richmond High and have given your motion picture a rating of NC-17. If you feel this rating isn't suitable or desired you may resubmit your movie for another rating review. Thank you for choosing the MPAA for your motion picture rating needs.

Dear Sir or Madam,

Thanks for the letter. I'm not exactly sure why the movie got an NC-17. I'm assuming it's because of the nude scene that takes place during the dream sequence. Since you don't really tell us what exactly we need to change, I'll assume this is it and censor it. Most theaters in the United States won't show NC-17 movies, so not changing it is financial suicide. I never expected this, so our budget wasn't prepared for this kind of post-production work, so I had to make due... I will be resubmitting the movie.

Mr. Fritz

The MPAA (Motion Picture Association of America) has reviewed your submission of Fast Times at Richmond High and have given your motion picture a rating of NC-17. If you feel this rating isn't suitable or desired you may resubmit your movie for another rating review. Thank you for choosing the MPAA for your motion picture rating needs.

Dear Sir or Madam,

I guess the amount of implied sexuality is the cause for the rating? Again, you don't give us any stipulations or reasons why. There are countless other movies I could site that have more than this movie's nudity that at least get “R” ratings. We have censored the nudity all together and she keeps the top of her swimsuit on. I will be resubmitting the movie.

Mr. Fritz

The MPAA (Motion Picture Association of America) has reviewed your submission of Fast Times at Richmond High and have given your motion picture a rating of NC-17. If you feel this rating isn't suitable or desired you may resubmit your movie for another rating review. Thank you for choosing the MPAA for your motion picture rating needs.

Dear Sir or Madam,

So you just hate women? As you can see we have added an inter tube and snorkel to Phoebe. Honestly I'm doing this just to see where the line is drawn.

Mr. Fritz

The MPAA (Motion Picture Association of America) has reviewed your submission of Fast Times at Richmond High and have given your motion picture a rating of NC-17. If you feel this rating isn't suitable or desired you may resubmit your movie for another rating review. Thank you for choosing the MPAA for your motion picture rating needs.

Dear Sir or Madam,

Really?? Ok, Phoebe is now in a Tuxedo.

Mr. Fritz

The MPAA (Motion Picture Association of America) has reviewed your submission of Fast Times at Richmond High and have given your motion picture a rating of R. If you feel this rating isn't suitable or desired you may resubmit your movie for another rating review. Thank you for choosing the MPAA for your motion picture rating needs.

Dear Sir or Madam,

Fuck you.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Final Project Proposal

For my final project, I am going to shoot a short film based on The Pardoner's Tale from The Canterbury Tales. Me and a few friends have been bouncing around the idea of shooting this for a while and this seems like a fine opportunity to do it. It will be fairly traditional movie style, and convey the sense of time through plot.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012


My performance piece was held at the Student Art Show in the OSU-Mansfield Gallery. I stood in front of a sign that said "POSE ME", and people were encouraged to put me in various positions.
Susan was the first person brave enough to move me.
I chose to use the gallery space because the whole point is audience participation. People were quite shy and too afraid to do anything to me I guess. Perhaps they weren't aware that it was a performance.
Must resist temptation to hug.
People mainly manipulated my arms. I guess it was the easiest thing to move, and people weren't sure if I was "rooted" in place or not. It was interesting because I had no set rules or boundaries that they were aware of. The audience made their own.
You think this is a fucking game?
One thing I didn't anticipate is how hard it was to keep my arms up. I didn't do any stretches or anything, but I certainly should have.
My art being turned into corporate advertisement.
Eventually people started giving me stuff to hold. It was interesting that Kate gave me the student art show card to hold. I'm not sure if she intended to turn me into a billboard, but I was effectively an advertisement at that point.
Katie and John actually took pictures WITH me. Maybe they thought it was "POSE WITH ME".

Art buddies.

For the most part, the art students and faculty that I know were the people who were most likley to move me. 
This one's for Dio.
Thanks, Stef...
At one point, Nick gave me his camera to hold. As people walked by, they started ducking under my as if I was taking pictures. It was pretty funny. (Check your camera, Nick. I actually did take a few.)
Im like Freddie Mercury. Except Fat. And I can't sing. And I have a beard.
People finally got brave and figured out they could move my feet...
...God damnit.
I must go. My people need me.
David gave me a chair. THANK CHRIST.
My favorite part was when David gave me a chair because my legs were on fire from lack of movement.
I win.
MP almost caught a punch to the face.
I'm very ticklish on my stomach. MP was kind enough to test that theory. I almost broke character, and her nose.
May the...Star Trek stuff...be with you.
Ladies and Gentlemen...I implore you.
So it was a fun and exhausting performance.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012


Fuck macs. I created this piece by simply filming myself playing League of Legends in various angles in the dark and then editing them together in a pseudo-stylistic way. My room is decently large, but pretty much all of my time is spent at the computer desk and on my computer, so that's the only place I show. There is no sound, you can't hear ANYTHING with my headphones on except for the game noise. So I decided to not have sound to give the impression of what I DON'T hear in my room. I usually don't do these type of movies, abstract type movies, so this is fairly abstract for me.

The meaning I'm trying to convey is a question of activity vs. inactivity. As you can see on my keyboard, mouse, screens that there is action going on, but my face remains stern and relaxed. So while I'm doing a lot of things in game, I'm not really doing much physically. Also, is a small sense of loneliness. My girlfriend is actually asleep in the room with me, along with my dog. But they are completely ignored while I play the game.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Video project location

The location for my video will be the space I'm in the majority of the day, in front of my computer. Pretty much all of my free time is spent at my computer desk either play games, watching movies, writing, whatever. So this is the place I'm most familiar with.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Welcome to Summoner's Rift

Here is my found sound project. These sounds were found in my everyday environment: my room. I recorded some sound clips from the video game League of Legends and put them together to get the sense of an entire game (which is normally about thirty minutes long on average) down to one minute. I've already done a project like this before, so I wanted to take a different approach this time. Instead of creating a mood or space with seemingly random sounds, I wanted to stick to a linear narrative. There's a sense of naturalness to the piece because of the clicky-clacks of my mouse and keyboard. It adds to the ambiance and creates a very isolated and almost lonely space.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Time map project

This is my time map piece for art 208. We were given a piece of paper and asked so use the paper to represent Wednesday, March 28. I used my piece of paper as a mouse pad, and spent the majority of my Wednesday playing video games. I played Team Fortress 2, League of Legends, and World of Warcraft. Whenever I would win a round I would draw a smiley face on the left side of the paper. Whenever I would lose, I would rip and tear a section of the paper away.

